As you remember a few posts ago I had giving you a few "teasers" from the wedding of Bill & Alice that I photographed in Auburn, CA. Here are my favorite picks from that day. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Much Love & Happiness, Tiana
Tiana Hollomon Photography
These salt and pepper shakers reminded me of skyscrapers.
Much Love & Happiness, Tiana
Tiana Hollomon Photography
These salt and pepper shakers reminded me of skyscrapers.

I love shots of hairspray!

Alice was being silly, what an adorable woman.

I loved the buttons going all the way down the back of her dress!

Plus the folds in the bottom of the dress were so much fun to photograph.

Putting on the dress

Her simple but lovely bouquet

The MOH, the groom's daughter

The Best man, the bride's son!

It was so funny, they both had such problems putting their rings on each other!

Bill finally had to finish putting his ring on.

The Kiss!

Details of the Maid of Honor and Best Man

Portraits of Bill and Alice

I LOVED this wall! The light, the color. These two were just so much fun.

I just love the way her veil looks in this one!

I couldn't resist snapping a shot of everyone grabbing shots of the Bride & Groom!

Dinner time!

Time to cut the cake. Thank goodness for umbrella's to bounce flash off of, it was pitch black at this point!

Let the PARTY begin!

The lovely bartenders! What a cute couple.

And last but not least, the bride and groom with their rings & bracelet & watch.